Yet Another Experiment Config System

Offial repo GitHub last commit (branch) License

DISCLAIMER: This repository is the public version of a repository that is the property ofReactive Reality. This repository IS NOT OFFICIAL and might not be maintained in the future. Some minor changes * are applied from theofficial repository (GitLab)(under lesser GNU license).

This package is a Config System which allows easy manipulation of config files for safe, clear and repeatable experiments. In a few words, it is:

  • built for Machine Learning with its constraints in mind, but also usable out-of-the-box for other kinds of projects;

  • built with scalability in mind and can adapt just as easily to large projects investigating hundreds of well-organised parameters across many experiments;

  • designed to encourage good coding practices for research purposes, and if used rigorously will ensure a number of highly desirable properties such that maintenance-less forward-compatibility of old configs, easy reproducibility of any experiment, and extreme clarity of former experiments for your future self or collaborators.

